Delivery & FAQs
Any basket sold in the online shop is in stock and will be dispatched to you in 1-3 working days - please allow around 5 working days for delivery. Out of stock baskets are marked as 'Sold Out' in the online shop and the website doesn't allow purchases of out of stock items - John will be working on these styles and they will be available online again once he makes more.
Postage to all UK postcodes is £4.95 or £7.95 depending on the size of the basket. If a few baskets are ordered, these often can be combined into one parcel for posting. The appropriate postage cost for your order is calculated automatically during the check out process. The courier services used are Parcelforce 48 or Royal Mail 48 Tracked, both these services are fully tracked and you will be emailled a tracking number when your order is on the way to you.
Postage for many baskets ordered together that can't be combined because the combined volume would be outwith the limit of the carrier's height x girth restrictions will be charged at the appropriate multiple of £7.95. This is calculated automatically during the checkout process.
I cannot supply any wholesale or discounted trade prices. I am full-time just making my standard designs to stock my website and I almost never have any spare stock. Everything is handmade by me in small batches and I don't have capacity for more.
Can you make baskets to custom made sizes? When possible, I will do my best to accommodate any requests for custom made basket.
"I would like to order and basket marked 'out of stock' and I need it in a hurry". This could be impossible. John soaks specific willow 2 weeks in advance. From this, he makes larger baskets first then smaller baskets from the remainder and offcuts. It is through this careful planning and finesse in working efficiently with a natural materials that allows him to carry on in business making labour intensive and entirely handmade basketry products in the 21st century in the UK
Please contact John immediately if you you are having trouble receiving your item or if items have not been delivered as expected. John will do whatever is reasonable to get your item(s) to you as expected.
For international delivery, John is currently shipping within the UK. There no extra charge for Highlands and Islands. For a basketmaker working in the EU, I recommend:
For USA, Canada & Rest of World I recommend finding a suitable basketmaker in North American. Your weavers can be found on the NBO website.
Besides the payment options here on the website, I can also accept BACs direct transfer if necessary (please contact me for details), or cheques. If you prefer to use any of these options please contact me via email with details of the baskets you'd like to order and I will do my best to email an invoice to you including payment instructions for BACs or cheques.
As John's turnover is less than £85K per year there is no VAT on John Cowan Baskets products.
It is a common request for John to be asked to Repair an old shopping basket handle. If the sides of the old basket are in reasonable condition I can usually repair or replace the handle for you. This work on a typical sized shopping basket is £15. If you are local we can arrange a time for you to drop off your basket. If you are far away, you can post your basket to me (return postage fees will be added to your invoice.) In this case, please send a photo of your basket to me first so I can see if I am able to do the repair.
Can I come round and visit your workshop? Can I come and view and choose? No, this is not possible unfortunately. I don't have public premises and work from home. Basketmaking is all done by hand and therefore time is very precious because it's labour intensive. I am unable to give the time for tidying up for visitor's safety, looking out for their arrival and welcoming folk and showing them around. Once my baskets are made for stock they go swiftly to a storage facility as my house is very small. I can welcome either local customers who buy a basket and wish to collect in person or a student wishing 1-to-1 tuition, all by prior arrangement.
Basketmaking Tuition -
I can offer 1-to-1 tuition and tuition to small groups. Click here for further details.